[EN] World Wide Rally For Freedom - 20.03.2021 - #We Will All Be There Back to Top

[EN] World Wide Rally For Freedom - 20.03.2021 - #We Will All Be There

After years of preparation last year the World Economic Forum and the people behind the scamdemic also known as plandemic, in complete control of World Health Organisation and with help from almost every state and government from this planet, decided to put their plans in motion and started the biggest scam in the history of humankind: Covid-19.
Image credit: Pixabay One year later, after many people have died not from the flu itself but from the lack of treatment and appropriate medical care and now from the so called vaccines some developed in the matter of hours and after we lost many of the rights paid with blood by the generations who stood before us, the time has come to fight back and end this hoax once and for all. Today I will tell you about a movement that is already covering more than 40 countries in preparation for World Wide Rally For Freedom. You know, freedom, that thing we had before lockdowns and quarantine for a so deadly virus that has a survival rate bigger than 90% and depending on your age bigger then 99.99% (Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4) based on real data not estimations or false predictions.
Image credit: World Wide Demonstration 2021-03-20 On 20th of March in more than 40 countries people of all ages, races, religions, political orientations will stand together and send a clear messages to those behind the scamdemic: We the people want our freedoms back.
Image credit: World Wide Demonstration 2021-03-20 We do not need your vaccines, we do not need your defective testing methods or products, we stand together for 5 fundamental freedoms: 1. Freedom of Speech 2. Freedom of Movement 3. Freedom of Choice 4. Freedom of Assembly 5. Freedom of Health
Image credit: World Wide Demonstration 2021-03-20
Image credit: World Wide Demonstration 2021-03-20
Image credit: World Wide Demonstration 2021-03-20 Here you can find all the information for the groups in your country and official contact info:      World Wide Demonstration Official site      World Wide Demonstration Official Telegram channel      World Wide Demonstration Official Facebook Page      Poland: @worldwidepoland      Spain: @worldwidespain      Netherlands: @worldwidenetherlands      Canada: @worldwidecanada      Scotland @standupedinburghgc      Switzerland @worldwideswitzerland      Italy: @worldwideitaly      Finland: @worldwidefinland      Serbia: @worldwideserbia      Ireland: @worldwideireland      Latvia: @worldwidelatvia      Belgium: @worldwidebelgium      Sweden @worldwidesweden      Iceland: @worldwideiceland      Ukraine: @worldwideukraine      Uruguay: @worldwideuruguay      Greece: @worldwidegreece      Romania @worldwideromania      Croatia: @worldwidecroatia      Lithuania @worldwidelithuania      Austria      Melbourne: @melbournefreedomrally      Australia @australiafreedomrally      Germany: @grossdemokassel      Portugal @portugalmanifestacaomundial      Peru: @worldwideperu      Luxembourg: @worldwideluxemburg      Mexico: @WorldWideDemonstrationMexico      Liestal, Switzerland: @stillerprotest2020      Montenegro: @standupbalkan      Croatia, Zagreb      Croatia, Split      Croatia, Šibenik - Zadar      Croatia, Osijek I will try to update this list as soon as the info is available. Update 20.03.2021
Image credit: World Wide Demonstration 2021-03-20 The corrupted media will not impartially cover this event so you can watch the live streams here. Stay safe, stay peaceful and fight for your rights! #We Will All Be There, you?Published by Marius Șerban at 11:59 on 12.03.2021 [EEST]